Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy New Year!

Oakley Drinking Cider!
I know...very late posting on my part! The year started off just wonderful....Not! Just a few days after Christmas Tim's business partner decided to pull out of the company and told Tim he is done! What?!? You have got to be kidding me!? Happy freakin New Year! After Tim gave up a wonderful job to go help him and make this business work, we get shafted! Not only do we loose a sweet salary, but also Health insurance! I don't really care about the money to say the least but the Health Insurance? Yes! It took us a year to get approved for insurance and now to loose it!? As we are, or "was" going to start our fertility treatments this month...that is now on hold! As most people know, my dad has stage 4 cancer and it is not looking very good and I want more than anything for him to meet one of his grandchildren! It has been trial and error for the last few weeks. We have fasted, prayed and fasted some more and prayed some more.... nothing. I have been a religious "craigs list" job add searcher and Tim has been so willing to apply at various of places and has even gone to many luck! We have decided to leave it all in the lord's hands and now all we can do is have faith! We know everything will work out and thank goodness we have savings! On a lighter note, we have set some personal goals for this new year, we even made a poster!! Hahaha! Now that the month is almost past we have still kept to our goals and can't wait to let you in on some of it when we accomplish it!!! Keep checking up on us... we have a surprise coming!! But to all our loved ones Happy New Year!!

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